Practical money saving tips, such as setting up non-geographic 0845 numbers before relocating have, in their customers’ experiences, saved a fortune, as it reduces the need for future updating and reprinting of corporate stationary and literature. The ability to redirect all incoming calls the minute customers have moved ensures the business continues through the disruption, and existing and potential clients can still get through while new business is not lost. In addition a 0845 number is a number for life, so once the switch has been made it is one less thing to have to worry about if a company ever has to move again.
Having moved offices recently themselves, Windsor Telecom knows only too well the homework that needs to be done and the stress of upheaval. And as any one who has moved home will know, it is one of the most stressful life experiences anyone can go through.
Chief Executive of Windsor Telecom, Neil Sherring says: “We’ve drawn on our first hand experience and lessons learnt to make this business guide to relocation as practical and useful as possible. We hope it will take away some of the research that companies will need to do when moving offices.”
Windsor Telecom’s relocation guides are free to download from their website. Visit